Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 16- Florence

Well the day started off oky, we took a 3 hour bus ride out of Rome into the Tuscan region. We were able to drive along the river and see the beautiful olive trees and sunflower farms. Then we stopped right outside of Florence and went Wine Tasting. The wine was not bad it was nice to have Nick finally try wine and see that there is good wine out there. He really liked a red reserve. I luckily have an amazing brother who calmed me down on the bus ride to the hotel because someone on the bus could not handle the bus ride and their wine. We then finally arrived to our hotel to find out that the rooms are a sauna. So by the time we checked into the hotel everyone was on edge a bit. Nick and I then realized everyone was going to do laundry because we are short on clothes. But Nick and I are going to go see Laura Brodner and hang out with her tonight and then tomorrow do some laundry at her apartment. It will be really nice to finally see a familiar face  after a rocky start to Florence. Tomorrow we get to take a walking tour of Florence and then have free time.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, happened to us too...the hotel sauna. We'd have a brawl with our Florentine manager every day when we got back to our hotel and it was 90 degrees!
