Today we left Heidelberg and started our journey to Amsterdam. We decided to leave early because it was a 7 hour drive and we were going to the Anne Frank house that night as well. The ride over was okay kind of bumpy but we made it with no problems. It was about 5pm when we arrived and it was alittle cloudy. We soon found out that it rains over 200 days a year in Amsterdam. We got to the hotel and it was very nice but the biggest problem was that it had no stairs only elevators. Well it had stairs but it could only me used in the state of emergency. We got down from unpacking and began our journey to Anne Frank’s house. The train ride was quite long but it was worth it because we were able to see so much of the city. We arrived to the House/ Museum and then as soon as we stand there it begin to pour down rain and I mean pour. It was cold and wet and rained the entire time we were in line. Everyone was soaking wet from the rain even though they were under umbrellas and had jackets on. I had my north face on so I was mostly dry on the top half but my legs were soaked. After the rain we got into the Museum and had to split up into two groups because we were so large. Ashley and I were in the first group but most of our friends were in the second group. We began walking through the old house and it was quite depressing. We were able to walk through every room that was used for the hiding and diary entries were displayed on the wall did not make it better. It was too real for me and hard to handle. As we continued through the museum we could see the progression of how the story ended. It was hard to hold back tears from reading some of the things that Anne would write about in her diary. We finished the museum and it ended okay because Otto Frank did so much to preserve what she was about and the fight that they went through. After that we decided that Ashley ,Joy , Alyx and Jenny would go get real food because we were hungry. We went into a Steak house that had good prices but Ashley and I were still on a budget so I ordered the chicken soup and Ashley ordered two sides so we could share everything. Well my chicken soup was broth and 4 pieces of chicken. I was not impressed at all. Ashley and I were still hungry so we were going to go to KFC and get mac n cheese and mashed potatoes but that fell through because the KFC didn’t have any sides besides coleslaw. After that we just got a coffee and headed back to the train to go home for the night. The next day the Netherlands soccer team was coming home and there was a huge party for them so we decided we would go to that.
** The Anna Frank museum was the most overwhelming place we have been yet, it was crazy to think that this was how they lived. There was quotes on the wall from her journal that corresponded with the rooms or some of her feelings and it was heartbreaking to read about her fear. When we left I was just kinda of quiet because I truly was at a lose of words.
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